
The causes of the pollution that surrounds almost seventy five percent of our world are all caused by humans. Evidently water pollution is mainly caused by humans throwing their trash into the ocean. According to National Geographic, a staggering amount of around eight billion pounds of trash are dumped in the ocean each year. This includes all sorts of objects we throw away: styrofoam, cardboard, aluminum, glass and plastic. Furthermore, the factories around the world that are built next to water bodies release harmful chemicals, that result from the factory's work, into fresh water that is not just inhabited with many species, but can be used by humans. In addition, power plants along with a few factories use fresh water to cool down reactors or material that that up during work which also releases harmful chemicals into the oceans. Moreover, we burn fossil fuels which release harmful chemicals into our atmosphere which not only change our atmosphere and harm our ozone layer, but can be incorporated into the clouds through condensation and can return to the ground as acid rain. This will pollute land and the population of the world, but since our Earth is surrounded seventy five percent by water would have a larger chance of affecting marine life. All in all, our actions as humans and the way we use the resources given to us has a major impact on the world we will continue to live on.


The actions we take part in as a population have a great affect on our planet. The most known consequence of water pollution is deceased animals around the coast and in the ocean. Dead animals can spread diseases and infections to the fish we eat and to us if the dead animals end up on the beach. The animals that inhale these dangerous substances will be fed to us and these substances can reach us if nt properly removed. This can give us diseases or make us very sick. In 2010 an oil spill in Britain caused the deaths of over a thousand fish, many which were on the endangered species list. Dead animals are not pleasing to see on the beach and can attract predators which can both have the beach shut down or sectioned off. Furthermore, water pollution disrupts the food chain, since the animals that die off lowers the population in that specific are making the consumers find other food. Big piles of trash can clog up pipes that lead into the ocean, harming our intricate sewage and waste systems. Moreover, water pollution destroys our source of water and these toxic substances can reach us if not properly taken care of. Around seven hundred million people around the world drink contaminated water and because of this, according to a study done by UNICEF, over three thousand children die from drinking contaminated water. As a result, we must work together to create and implement solutions that prevent water pollution. Luckily, many organizations are being formed around the problem of solving water pollution.